Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Process:
- Cancellation Period: Customers can cancel their booking up to 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up time.
- Refund Process: No payment will be deducted if customer cancel before 24 hours. If customer cancel before 12 hours of pickup time then 50% deduction will apply. For a refund, customers need to email us.
- Please be advised that cancellations made less than 12 hours prior to the scheduled pick-up time will not be eligible for a refund.
Refund Procedure:
- Customers requesting a refund should reach out to our customer support team via email.
- Provide the booking details and reason for cancellation.
- The refund process will be initiated, and the payment will be refunded through the original payment method.
- Cancellation Policy Refunds may take 5 business days to reflect in the customer’s account.